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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wednesday at Vandervilt

Last night (Tuesday) Kerry's evening meal did not arrive. After asking the nurse and after she called the kitchen four times, they finally brought it. The kitchen closes at 8:00 PM and he finally got to eat around 7:45 P.M. The meal looked as "thrown together" as it was.

Wednesday morning the nurse said she would get his breakfast sent up to Dialysis. Again, no meal! I went with Kerry to Dialysis and around 9:30 AM I went to the cafeteria to get us some breakfast. Dr. Lee wasn't able to stop by on Wednesday as hoped.

Kerry only had to have two units of FFP today instead of four, which is better. They were late sending up the FFP; the order didn't go through. So we had to wait for that to arrive and to be administered. The transport team didn't arrive on time either--after about 20 minutes of waiting on them, we finally made it back to the room. His lunch make it on time! I'm getting a little worried that the "missing meals" were to become a habit.

After 1unch. we both took a nap. Days start early at 5:30 AM. You would think we would be a little more alert, as we are an hour ahead, but hospitals wear you out. During our nap, cleaning staff came in, respiratory came in, and the nurses came in to give medications and take vital signs. In-between all of that, we had a nap of sorts.

Tonight they brought supper trays to our end of the hall and alas, no tray! I looked up the hall a ways and saw that everyone didn't have a tray. After a short wait, a tray arrived. One for me as well! If they have an extra tray, they will give it to family members. Last night, I had a free meal!!

So, nothing major happened on Wednesday.

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