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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday at Vanderbilt

Thank goodness we only have one more night here. In spite of showers, my own sheet for the little cot, and trying to keep the room straight, I still do not feel as clean as when at home. The sink in our room is small and water goes everywhere and the paper towels smell like wet paper (wonder why) and things do not feel clean to me. But, everyone knows how picky I am. I am trying to roll with the flow :-( which is not easy for me to do.

Early this morning, I went to the cafeteria and got breakfast. Kerry nibbled on some bacon and fruit. At least he had a little something on his tummy to help absorb some of the medication he had this morning.

The FFP arrived about 10 minutes ago and we are still waiting on the albumin to arrive. Fluids are not sent up until the patient arrives in Dialysis. It is 7:45 AM and we have been in Dialysis about 45 minutes.

Kerry appears to be puffy and retaining fluid, but the doctors won't do anything about the swelling. The fluid volumn in his body is fluctuating and giving a diuretic would do more harm than good.
We got back to the room in plenty of time for lunch today and I had a tray as well. I don't know how, but there were two pieces of cake on my tray so we shared.

Much Later . . .

Dr. Lee just left the room and we have good news. The Ritaxan chemotherapy has been approved! Kerry will receive his PLEX on Friday. Neurology will pull the vas-cath and he will get his first dose of IV Ritaxan Friday afternoon. We come back in two weeks for the second dose. It takes about six hours to give the Rituxan, so it will be late when we get home on Friday.


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