Body Betrayed | Body Disabled

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

First Week Home (04/13/14)

I have been home for a little over a week now. The pain from surgery has been minimal. The scars are healing well. The vascular catheter and chest drain tube holes have closed completely. The incision across my neck is three inches long and was super-glued together: all the surgery was done through my neck into my chest. That scar is still thick and hard and will be for several weeks as the swelling subsides.
My heart rate has been stable during my recovery period. This is an answered prayer. I have an appointment with my local cardiologist at the Chattanooga Heart Institute on Monday. He has followed my condition since June 2010. I have always received a clean bill of health from him and he knows more about my heart than any other doctor.

I cannot tell any change in my condition yet. My focus has been on recovery. If my thymus gland was very enlarged or was cancerous, then removing it would greatly improve my chances of improvement. My surgeon said my thymus was very slightly enlarged, not enough to show on the CT scan. Yet, he was hopeful and so are we! I am looking forward to hearing the pathology report. I am just glad surgery is over.

Was it worth it? If you had asked me that about midnight on Thursday while lying in the SICU bed, I would have said "no!" Now I would say "yes!" Let's get on with the healing.

Cathy has done an excellent job of taking care of me these last several weeks. I really love and appreciate her.

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