Body Betrayed | Body Disabled

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Sunday, November 24, 2013


November has almost come and gone, so has 2013. WOW! I am thankful for this year and all its blessings. Overall, it has been a good year for us; a lot better than it could have been.

The chemotherapy has kept me out of the hospital this year. That is a record for me! I am thankful the side effects of chemo have not been too bad. I will go back to Vanderbilt for five days of inpatient plasma exchange in early December.

Randell is doing better from his Grade 3 concussion. The more we learn from the doctors, the more we know just how close he came to dying. We pray for his continued healing.

Randell, Laela, Kerrell, JD, grandchildren, dogs, grand-dogs, grand-horse, and grand-donkeys are doing well; this makes us happy.

Cathy has been doing some cleaning for individuals. The Lord just dropped that in her lap and the little extra income has been helpful.

Switching over to Medicare has help too. I have Plan D for drugs, so I have little or no copay now. That is much better than the $250 per month I was averaging for my meds.

Things have worked out for me to receive a power wheelchair and it should arrive soon. The Lord also worked out a great trade on a mini-van to transport the wheelchair. We traded our 07 Accord for and 08 Odyssey that looks like new.

We are thankful for all of our friends. They mean so much to us.
Most of all, we are thankful for the Lord and His goodness to us.

Soli Deo Gloria
(To God Alone Be the Glory)

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