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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mobility Device

This has not been a good month for me. My strength and stamina have not returned. The graph example in my last blog would have been much flatter this month. Dr. Lee thinks I may have had a "bug" before the last chemo that caused the chemo to not be as effective. My next chemo is this week.

The neurologist / physical therapy appointment at Vanderbilt last week went well. Because of my diagnosis and current condition, I qualify for a mobility device--all depending on Medicare final approval.

Here is government at work . . .

I can get a medicare approved "go-go" scooter. They are so small for a big guy like me, I would need two. One for each foot so I could skate. To upgrade to an appropriate scooter would be over $800 out-of-pocket because Medicare does not approve the upgrade.

But, Medicare will approve a heavy duty power wheelchair for me. Much more expensive than the "upgraded scooter."

This left me with two choices: (1) an upgraded scooter that will cost me more than $800, or (2) a heavy duty power wheelchair at no cost (including my supplemental insurance payment). Guess what I choose!

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