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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cathy's Blog October 2, 2012

Day Two at Vanderbilt

October 2, 1012 6:00 PM and we are still in the same Surgical Transition Unit room because the hospital is full. The daytime head nurse called to find out about our room but there are 4 neurology patients waiting for the same rooms. We should have one tomorrow.
Having surgery one day and PLEX the next doesn't appear to be as taxing as having both in the same day. This is the first time that has happened.

The PLEX went well, but his blood pressure and heart rate are all over the board. His blood pressure went up to 210/117 yesterday and 110/54 this morning. His heart rate will go from 41 to 127. All of this is autonomic issues. They are planning some additional tests to check out those issues, as this can potentially be dangerous. This is the first time that he has continually been hooked up to the monitors.

It seems that his autonomic system is worsening and is connected to his stomach emptying issues.

More later.


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