Body Betrayed | Body Disabled

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Day One at Vanderbilt 01-05-15

Things went unbelievably smoothly yesterday. From admissions, straight to radiology prep, straight to vascular cath placement, straight to plasma exchange, then straight to our room. No waiting service. Wow! In the room by 2:30 Nashville time. The kidney doc stopped by (they do plasma exchanges) for an evaluation this morning before the exchange. I had just walked from the bathroom (two steps), washed my face and then to the bed (four steps) I was breathing very hard by then. He said, "if this keeps up we may have to put me in ICU for monitoring." To quote David Tennet's Dr. Who, "I don't want to go." Cathy Bunn or I will keep you posted. She is on facebook also.

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