Body Betrayed | Body Disabled

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Headache Update & New Website

Headache . . .
The nerve block helped with the headache, but it did not completely stop it this time. I have spent a lot of time with an ice bag on the back of my neck and that seems to help. I see the headache neurologist next week for my regular followup. I am going to ask for another nerve block.

Website . . .
My updated Myasthenia Gravis and Small Fiber Neuropathy website is ready. It has links to MG sites, my blog, videos, and books. If you have a suggestion for a link, please let me know.

I stopped my old site a couple of years ago because the hosting company was just to expensive. I lost the lease on my domain name "" Another entity bought the lease and continues to lease it every year without using it. I can but it back from them for a "small nominal fee." The current bid for my old website name is $1,900.00. They have got to be kidding. Rip Off! That happens a lot in the domain name business. There are lots of web-cheats out there. My solution . . . a new website domain name . . .

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