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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Vanderbilt Appointments (02/25/14)

Dr. C.L., my neurologist, was concerned about my lack of improvement. I have not been doing well since the last plasma exchange in December 2013. He made some changes to my medications in hope of reducing some of the side effects I experience. My breathing is still very bad. In myasthenia gravis, one can have breathing issues but have normal oxygen levels. The problem is with the muscles that work the lungs.
He has ordered a chest CT scan to check my thymus gland and for the presence of lung disease. The thymus glad (connected with immune system development) usually disappears in adults. An enlarged thymus has been associated with autoimmune issues. So, if I have a thymus and it seems enlarged, I will have surgery to remove it. If it is not enlarged on the CT, they may consider surgery to remove my thymus anyway. This is an open chest surgery. At this point, I am willing to try anything to help my condition.

The appointment with Dr. A.U., my endocrinologist, went well. She is monitoring changes in my endocrine system caused by prednisone. So far, she has things fairly well under control with medication. I am blessed to have great doctors.

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