Body Betrayed | Body Disabled

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Knew Better

This has been a fairly good week. Cathy has done a lot of yard work and planted a few garden plants in three very small raised beds. I supervised! I should open a landscaping company with Cathy and the "star" employee.

Last Tuesday Cathy was gone for most of the day. I decided to push myself and see just what I could do. I knew better but that didn't stop me.

Our back deck needs re-screening. We have been taking the old screen off and doing some preliminary work for a few weeks. I decided to take down the existing studs, make 4x4's out of three of them and put them back opening up the width of the screen space.

I took down eight 2x4's and pulled a few nails out of them. I made three 4x4's out of the 2x4's by screwing them together. What I normally could have done in thirty minutes took almost all day. Work five minutes then recover fifteen because my muscles would weaken significantly. On Wednesday and Thursday, I was really fatigued and needed lots of rest to recover.

The moral of the story . . . If your going to be stupid, you've got to be tough!  

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