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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cathy's Blog, October 4, 2012

October 4, 2012
Day 4 at Vanderbilt

I spoke with Lynda Clark Wednesday afternoon and I related that we didn't have a regular room yet. We have been in the surgical transition area since Monday. Lynda asked me if it was okay if the choir had prayer about a room for us and I said "yes." Wednesday night at 8:30 we received the good news that we had a roon! I called Lynda Thursday morning and told her. She said, "that was about the time they were praying!" God answers prayers!
We are in a very nice room. Flat screen Plasma TV, nice up-to-date hospital bed that will do everything except fly the spaceship! There are sliding glass doors for room doors, that will open wide to allow beds to be moved with ease. And, there is a curtain that can be pulled closed over the doors.

There is an area for visitors to sit. As a room divider the color of the tile is even different, making it feel like another area. There is also a curtain that can be closed for sleeping privacy. There is one of those horrible recliner chairs, that doesn't really recline, but just sits back a bit. They are good for patients, because they can sit up fairly well in them. I have trouble getting the chair to recline, so I think a handle or a button would be a good idea to add for patient ease. There is a straight chair and my "sleeping chair" that opens out into a flat bed! Last but not least, is the bathroom! A nice big area and a nice big shower with a seat if needed. Also, water from the shower did not wet the whole bathroom floor! However, we both will be glad to get home.

Kerry is feeling a little stronger, as he is sitting up and not lying in bed the whole time. And, we are thankful that the MRI came back fine. The main doctor that comes in, seems to think that one of the medications, Cellcept may be causing the bad headaches. Kerry is to check with his regular neurologist about that, as he may want to change it or lower the dosage.

They have Kerry on a diabetic diet. Why? We don't know, nor do the nurses. When the nurse put in for his tray, the paperwork came back diabetic diet. Tonight, I brought him a slice of pizza from the cafeteria. He has also been eating candy, no milkshakes though, No McDonalds. However, they do check his blood sugar levels every day in the morning blood work. So far, it has been okay. Blood levels are always checked, but he has never been on this type of diet before. It seems every trip is different.

This trip has been bad for an OCD person. I cannot seem to get the luggage contents properly sorted to my specifications. Not having a room, really threw me into a tizzy. However, we only have 2 more days!

Until next time.


PS Kerry is starting to grow fond of the round turkey sausage, but says they would taste better fried in bacon grease. :)   

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