Body Betrayed | Body Disabled

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why I Blog

I wrote my first blog entry in April 2009. Since many new people have joined and read my blog now, I thought it would be good to restate why I write this blog.

So many things happened to me so quickly in early 2009 it became impossible to keep all of those events in memory. I began by keeping a diary of events and medical records to codify my experiences and treatments. That diary grew into this blog and my first book.

I discovered that physicians do not have all-the-answers so many of us with serious medical conditions seek. I want physicians to hear from a patient's daily experience what living with autoimmune disorders is like. My neurologist, several medical students, other physicians, and my insurance company case manager read my blog and watch my videos. I truly hope it helps them understand and diagnose patients more affectively and effectively.

For thirty-five plus years of ministry, I offered advice and council to those experiencing tragedy and sickness themselves or in the family. Now, like Ezekiel, I sit where they sit. Were the words I offered to those individuals good for me now? I believe so! If there is anything to this "faith" that I have preached, it would surely sustain me now. It has and it will. I want people to know there is a reality to faith to help us live "a life well lived," even in the face of serious illness. If we are truly more than physical creatures—which I fully believe we are—then the spiritual component of life affects every fiber of our being and all that we encounter.

I decided to be open and honest about all I was experiencing physically, spiritually, and emotionally—even the questions I have. Sharing so openly is still difficult for me. But I do so in hope my experiences and insights will help others who are going through similar and trying circumstances.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

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