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Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 15, 2011 Update

I had two doctor appointments this week. The sleep doctor said my Bi-Pap seems to be working well at night. That's good, but it is still hard to breath. My ophthalmologist said my vision has worsened (not surprised). I cannot legally drive without glasses! My neurologist wants me to wear an eye-patch to compensate for double-vision when I drive. I look like a pirate! Neither doctor wants me to drive much. Cathy is making a great chauffeur. The good news about my eyes is they show no damage from the high-dose prednisone I take daily.

I have been very tired this week. Cathy and I attended to Christmas parties last week. I was not able to stay for the entire first party. Last Sunday, we met Randell and his family in Gadsden AL to give the kids their Christmas presents. We will not get to see them on Christmas. On Tuesday, we had Bethany's band concert. It was really good.

All of this has exhausted me greatly and my muscles are not wanting to work correctly. I have overdone it! I did absolutely nothing yesterday and will focus on resting today.  

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