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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Special Guest Blogger, Tuesday, March 9, 2009

Hello Everyone from the Vandy Hotel, Resort and Spa:

We had a pleasant Monday night. Early this morning, a doctor came in and talked to Kerry and asked a few questions. Then a short time later, a resident came in, did an exam and asked many questions. Later, two professors and several students and residents came in to examine him. It is very interesting how the professors instruct the students on how to perform an exam as to not forget a step. It was a very busy morning.

Kerry slept for a while and then went for his second treatment around 12:30 PM. He got back into the room around 4:35 PM, and is really tired. Toward the end of his treatment, he had a reaction to the plasma/platelets, started itching, and had several whelps to pop-up. The nurse immediately gave him two shots of Bendaryl, which helped, but made him sleepy.

He has not had the skin biopsy yet, which will determine how much nerve damage has been done over the course of the last ten months. However, Dr. Lee stopped by this evening and stated that time (when his schedule and Kerry's treatment schedule allow) had been the factor for not doing the biopsy today. He does have it planned for Wednesday.

I ask the doctors a lot of questions, and I realize some may been covered by the doctors, but I am trying to wrap my mind around everything that is said. I need it in plain English; I want a black or white answer, not gray; something tangible. Of course, they cannot answer my questions, because they don't know. I do have to truthfully say, that the doctors have worked hard trying to find out “why” and everyone here at Vanderbilt has been very nice.

I understand that Kerry's case is is unique, but how does his condition and treatment compare in relation to the other patients with similar diseases. Has plasmapheresis helped them? How long does it last? How soon can we expect results? He did state that the source of Kerry's problem could still be a hidden cancer. I fear I know the answer to the question, “how badly are the nerves damaged?”

The main neurologist says Kerry is “unique” in that his blood tests are normal and his other tests and symptoms are abnormal. In most situations, the blood work is usually worse than symptoms indicate. Kerry has always been a unique person, a free spirit, his own person. I have always admired that in Kerry, because I am a conformist; but this is one of those times, that being “unique” is not necessarily a good thing. He is not “classic text book”, presenting with different symptoms. Well, I guess I have taken up a great deal of space and since this isn't my blog, I will close. I might write more later, or get my own blog, This is Fun!!!

John and Kathy Phillips stopped by yesterday and today. They came up yesterday to watch their grandson at his first tee-ball practice and Karate practice this morning. Thanks for the visit and a great lunch.


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