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Friday, March 12, 2010

Last Day at Vanderbilt!

It is about 5:00 AM here in Nashville. My bed squeaks and sounds like a flock of geese flying high in the sky—I don't like to sleep with geese over me. So, I am up and waiting to go to treatment. This will be number five in five days.

Right now I do not know when I am scheduled, but here is the plan. First, go to treatment. Second, get the central IV taken out. That is supposed to be very simple and can be done in my room. Third, wait for the group of doctors to come by a dismiss me. Finally, home!

I lost the ability to walk heel-to-toe a long time ago. When I came into Vanderbilt, I could take one, maybe two steps at the most with help. Yesterday, I was able to take five steps without falling. On Monday, I could not stand on my heels without help. Yesterday, I managed one faltering step. That is good. The treatments may be working. My pain level is down from 4 or 5 to a 3. This is great.  Tests have also confirmed I do NOT have amyloidosis.  This is really great, that is a very bad disease.

The question now is, is my slight improvement caused by the extra rest or the treatments? The real test will be when I get back to a normal routine next week. Then I should really know if it is working. That is my prayer.

The skin biopsy, which will take a few weeks to prepare, will also tell the extent and pattern of nerve damage. That will also give an indication of the possible effectiveness of treatments. With the nonconformity of my symptoms, doctors still are not sure what will happen. There is still the possibility I have something else going on, not just anti-antibodies attaching my body.

Doesn't Scripture say something about not borrowing trouble from has enough trouble by itself. I'll just be happy about where I am now.

I may not blog anymore until tomorrow, depending on what is happening here.

Ready to come home!

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