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Monday, February 1, 2010

First Appointment with Vanderbilt Hematology/Oncology

I had my first appointment with Dr. Nitshitha Reddy. She works in the Hematology/Oncology, Stem Cell Transplant Unit. She had reviewed all of my material and was very open and helpful in talking about what she though was wrong with me. She showed us the actual CT/PET scan images and explained what the different colors on the image meant.

We talked about the abnormality of the Fine Needle Biopsy. Sometimes, it is just impossible to tell what is happening with so little lymph material. In her opinion, my hot lymph nodes were probably due to lymphoma. The only way to know for sure was to perform an excision lymph node biopsy and look at it under the microscope.

A lot of blood was drawn (15 tubes) and many hematological and antibody tests were ordered. All of my blood would later come back negative. That's good and bad.

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