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Monday, January 11, 2010

Fine Needle Aspiration with Core Biopsy

Because my CT/PET Scan was abnormal, Dr. Lee consulted with others in the neurology and hematology/oncology departments. It was recommended that I under go a lymph node biopsy. The simplest way to do the biopsy was under local anesthetic with a procedure called fine needle aspiration.

The procedure was fairly simple and painless for me. First, the enlarged lymph nodes were located by ultrasound. Second, a needle was inserted and guided into the lymph node by ultrasound. Third, fluid was withdrawn from the needle, checked under the microscope for lymphatic cells. This process was repeated six times.

Next, they made a small incision in my skin and inserted a larger hollow needle with a covering sleeve. When a trigger was pressed, the spring-loaded sleeve would slide down over the needle cutting out a core of the lymph node. This procedure was performed three times.

I felt fine after the procedure and drove home. The only problem I had was an unexplained high fever a few days later. I did not feel sick, but I had severe fever and chills. Dr. Lee thinks the biopsied lymph node may have collapsed sending all types of gunk (medical term?) into my system causing a reaction.

The results of the needle biopsy would come back with some abnormality. Dr. Lee was not sure just exactly what that meant, so he consulted with neurology/oncology for a second opinion. They recommended I come in for a follow-up with them. That visit would be scheduled very soon.

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