Body Betrayed | Body Disabled

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Sunday, June 2, 2013


Sara Kate and T.J. (Randell and Laela's two oldest) spent the week with us. We had a fun spending time with some of the grand kids who live in Alabama. We made a day trip to Cherokee and they had a blast riding to go-carts. I did lots of sitting and watching. The summer heat really bother me, so I sat in the car with the AC on. We plan to get the three youngest is July.

How am I doing? Going downhill again quickly--I see another plasma exchange in my near future. My breathing is a real problem and walking is becoming more difficult. The veins in my inner arms are predominately showing through my skin. My face is also "flushing" when I eat and at other times. I have talked with the neurologist, he thinks this may be a side effect of the Cytoxan chemo. This may result in limiting further the amount of Cytoxan I can have. My next appointment with the neurologist is late July, unless I have more plasma exchange at Vanderbilt sooner.

My yearly appointment with the cardiologist is this Thursday. I have lots of swelling in my legs. I wonder if this may be connected with the veins in my arms too? Otherwise, I am still doing fairly well.

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