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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day One at Vanderbilt (03/29/14)

Here are Vanderbilt again. Yesterday went well. We left early because of the rainy
weather and made it to the hospital with 15 minutes to spare. By the time I made it through admissions, the radiology nurse was looking for me.

The vas-cath procedure went well, but it hurt going it. They do not sedate me and used only a local. My skin is thick and tough and was difficult to push the catheter through. The PLEX went well--no problems.

My BP was low all night. 100-110/40-45. I am on a 24 hour heart monitor to alert for hypoxia (low oxygen). Otherwise things are well. EXCEPT for my Special Tray breakfast of two turkey sausage--Cathy has a guest tray with French toast, bacon, grits, etc.

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