- Today is the third anniversary of my medial leave which led to being on disability. I have learned to adapt to my situation, but I sill struggle some with all that has happened. Dealing with such issues is part of living!
I am so
grateful for my wife and her care and support during these years. She
has been a steadfast love for me. I am thankful for my family, church
family, and friends. Their love and support have truly helped carry
me through. My greatest strength though, comes from the Lord who
strengthens me daily; even in disability.
One statement
caught me off guard lately. I have heard it many time and it never
affected me before, until now. Here it is, "God has left you
here for a reason!" The "for a reason" is not a
problem; I believe God has a purpose for us. What stuck me for the
first time was the phrase, "God has left you here." Huh?
Was God planning to take me "home" and I did not know it?
As I pondered this idea, tedious trains of thought rumbled through my
theological mind: predestination, calling, mercy, obedience,
disobedience, fulfillment, service, death, etc. I told you they were
tedious, but I have summed all my thoughts up into one question. Does
God take us home as soon as our "reason for being" is
initial response is, "No, God does not take us home as soon as
we have completed our purpose." But then, I cannot think of a
Scripture to support my view, or a Scripture against that view. This
is one of those areas where we just do not know the answer. As I
think about it, neither should we because we would become so
preoccupied with our "coming end" we would forget to live
today. The best we can do is live each day as if it is our last.
Focus on loving God and others as yourself1
and your purpose will be completed. Let God handle your "home
. . and he answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and
with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." and He said
to him, "You have answered correctly; do this and you will
live." Luke 10:27-28
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