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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Feeling Better

The staph infection of last week is responding well to the antibiotics and giving me no problems now. I am feeling better after recovering from the increased chemo. I feel as good right now as I have felt this year.

Kerrell (daughter) actually has the whooping cough. She coughs so much she momentarily passes out. Two urgent care visits, primary care visit, four antibiotics, steroids, etc. She is not much better. She cannot stay by herself and is with us while her husband is on the road. JD came home last night and leaves early Monday. If she does not improve soon and keeps passing out, she is to go to the ER with a bag packed.

Cathy has had a touch of this but seems to be OK.  I have contacted my neurologist and he thinks the same DPT vaccine that caused my MG may protect me from the whooping cough. I hope it does.


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