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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thanksgiving and Early Family Christmas -- More PLEX

We had a fun time celebrating Thanksgiving with Randell and his family. Their mini-farm is really beginning to take shape. They now have chickens, a few ducks, and six donkeys. Better them than me!
On Friday morning, I was up early as usual. Evan, one of the twin boys, was also up looking around for something to eat. Now I don't mess with anybody's coffee maker except my own and there was no coffee that morning. I told Even, "Go tell KitKat we have a crisis." KitKat is Cathy's "grandmother" name. Evan asked, "What's a crisis?" "A crisis is a problem." A few minutes later Evan came back into the kitchen. I asked, "What did KitKat say?" I thought his response was strange, "KitKat doesn't know What a Crisis Is!" Oh well.

A few minutes later KitKat came into the kitchen and asked if the crisis was over coffee--she knows me well. "Well," she said, "Evan came into the room and told me we had a crisis. So I asked him what's the crisis and he looked at me and responded: 'A Problem!'"

That explains it -- Evan did not hear "what is THE crisis?" He heard, "What is A crisis?" We are still laughing.

All of our family is gathering for an early Christmas celebration this Saturday at our house. Cathy and I plan to cook our traditional Brunswick Stew for the first time in several years. We are really looking forward to everyone being here together.


I will be back at Vanderbilt for five more days of PLEX in December. Look for a video blog if I feel like it this time.

Here is a recent video that shows how much I have declined since the last plasma exchange.


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