Body Betrayed | Body Disabled

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Monday, December 26, 2011

What Not to Take!

After several email conversations with my neurologist, we decided on a possible treatment plan for my emotional issues. There are two basic treatment options available. One was a medication I had used about a year ago for neuropathy pain. It made me very anxious so we will not use it now. The other medication is
relatively new and is based on dexamethorphan (plus other ingredients) which is used in cough medicine containing DM. Since it could make my MG worse, we decided to start with the cough medicine and see what happens. If the cough medicine does not bother my Myasthenia Gravis, then on to the prescription medicine.

I began taking the cough medicine in small doses on Wednesday morning. By the second dose I began to have a little less emotional issues, but my breathing was not just right. I increased the dose each day noting any changes I felt in my body.

By Friday, I was taking the full dose--and my MG hit with a vengeance. Thirty minutes after taking the cough medicine my breathing worsened so much that I needed to use my bi-pap machine. Thirty minutes after that, my vision became very blurry and my eyes hurt. A few hours later my voice became really distorted and sounded like it did in my YouTube video ( I have not taken any more medication.

My voice problem continued until Christmas morning. My breathing and vision issues are still bad. I hope they will settle-down over time.

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