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Friday, December 2, 2011

Neurology Appointment, November 29, 2011

It was about this time last year that Cathy, myself, and my neurologist made the decision to take medical leave from the church in January of 2011. That medical leave would end with my resignation in June 2011 for health reasons. It was the right decision!

Since January my health has continued to decline even with various aggressive treatments, including chemotherapy. We met again with the neurologist on November 29 and it seems the disease progression has slowed. He had hoped the treatments would have made improvement in my current condition, but was glad the treatments had "kept me out of the ICU and off a ventilator." I am grateful for that too!

The High Resolution CT of my lungs and abdomen came back normal.  No signs of problems except for a "fat liver."  That goes along with the rest of my body!  The negative CT confirms that my breathing problems are directly related to my Myasthenia Gravis and Small Fiber Neuropathy.  So, I will continue with immune system suppression treatments.
At present, the six months of chemotherapy will probably be extended to one year. I will keep you posted.

PS:  Going for my fourth cytoxan infusion today!

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