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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cathy's Report, October 13, 2010

Today is Wednesday, October 13, 2010. Kerry left at 7:00 AM for his treatment. I ate his breakfast--a slice of bread, grits with no salt (heart healthy), and nibbled on the pears. I sent back the fat-free skim milk. Grits are one of those food items you almost would rather not eat without salt. The dietary staff sent a packet of Mrs. Dash Seasoning Blend©. But I am here to tell you that is not something you want to eat on your grits. The spice packet would go well with chicken perhaps, but not grits! Just to try it, I sprinkled a tiny amount, stirred it in, and bravely took a tiny bite. It was Yucky! So, I will not try that again. However, breakfast didn't cost me anything, so that was good.

We did get a private room late yesterday afternoon. Believe me, what a blessing!! It was quiet and peaceful, which is what we both needed. We both had a good catnap Tuesday afternoon. Everyone here has been very nice and caring, which is really appreciated. I do try not to be a bother to the nursing staff, so I bring anything that might conceivably be needed for Kerry and myself. In other words, I don't travel lite! I keep the excess in the car, and make a daily trek there for the next days needs, which works well.

I better go for now and check on Kerry up in the dialysis department.

Kerry was doing okay so I took the opportunity to make my daily trip to the car.

Kerry got back around 10:30 AM, so he had the remainder of the day to rest up. He made one lap around the hall in the morning and was tired afterward. However, he had not rested after his treatment. Later, we made two trips and he held up fair. Around 7:30 PM, we made two more trips around the hall and he was holding up pretty well. The doctor ordered a Lidocaine Viscus, which is a thick Lidocaine swallow for his chest pain. He seems to think it helped, so he had more about 8:00 PM. He feels a little stronger.

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